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You're a Sabotage


Your need for control is why you will always sabotage yourself.

If you allowed yourself to step towards the "next level", you would have to let go of everything that's truly out of your own control.

Because the fact is, you're human and it gets darn scary doing things you've never done before.

So this means relinquishing control of your comfort and control of all possible outcomes.

Otherwise, you will never move forward with anything in life.

Truth is, if you're sabotaging yourself in one thing, you're most likely doing this in another facet of life.

Go ahead and ponder this for a minute or two, I'll wait. . .


. . . epic hold music plays in my head . . .


OK so, maybe you're used to doing this you don't even realize it anymore because you refuse to allow yourself to slow down long enough to reflect on any sort of self-awareness.

Just in case, let me help you out and let you know what some of the most common ways self-sabotaging are so you no longer have any excuses:

  • You claim you're a "perfectionist"

  • You tend to have imposter syndrome

  • You're indecisive, even about the small things

  • You refuse to process negative emotions

  • You procrastination in almost, everything

  • You tend to be defensive

  • You second guess everything, especially yourself

  • You make excuses for everything, even when things are going well

  • You have a limiting self-belief that you don't deserve better or to achieve your goal(s) and nothing will change that

How many of those did you hear yourself say, "yep, sounds like me?" Or, are you the person who read this and has been telling yourself how ridiculous this all is and you justified each of those bullets?

Not to say, defending yourself will always mean you're a saboteur or anything else, but if it's hitting some kind of nerve, you'll probably want to grab a better shovel and dig a little deeper, my friend.

And it's not fair to blame others for the bitterness you hold onto when they accomplish the things you aren't.

However, if you want to continue to get better in any capacity of life and as a person overall, you have to grow.

Get outside your box, small town mind, and old habits that keep you stifled.

In fact, just break it all down and escape completely.

And don't you dare be scared of what you can't control out there.

Because I well know you aren't really happy waking up each day in monotony thinking you have control over most things and people in your current life.

I'm pretty sure nobody does because nobody is perfect or has the superhuman powers to do all of that.

What then can you do?

First, live and always be learning.

Just like each step is like a trust fall. We trust our own feet, but we also catch ourselves. Every time you put one of your feet forward, you have to trust that it will land and hold you up until the other does the same. It's true that once we learn how to walk as babies, we generally don't un-learn this unless something traumatic happens to our brains that erases that function, but still, what happens when we trip? Don't we usually whip around quick and try to figure out what went wrong? It's as if we were just betrayed by our feet. But once we figure it out, we surely learn not to do the same thing again!

Second, find gratitude in all of your progresses. No matter how small they seem and what facet of life they come.

And last, don't forget:

When you let go of trying to control everything and everyone, you'll start having more fun and stop trying to always sabotage every good thing that comes your way.

Now that's all out of the way, what is stopping you from achieving success, greatness or happiness in your life?




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