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Thursday's Thoughts


Just a couple of things I wanted to share on this bright sunny morning with everyone:

  • Nothing is about you, until you react to it. Sure, we are imperfect and may offend someone and everyone's feelings are valid because it's how we all feel. You can't tell someone otherwise; however, that's the point. It doesn't matter what Suzy said or did when she does, that's about her. What matters is the moment when we react to it - so be intentional. If that means you need a couple of seconds to formulate a response or action, then so be it. Better than fueling wildfire.

  • Stop living in the past. This means even with your words, and it goes back to the previous bullet. I was guilty of this myself until one of my Coach's pointed it out. I would say, "They will always say...." and he told me, "Stop living in the past. You don't know what they WILL do or say. Just because they have always done that, it's not up to you to decide if they want to change. Don't always expect, you can't control what other people do. Focus on now." 🤯 but also, just stop living in the past. If things are holding you back from being the person you absolutely need to be for yourself, your family and whatever/whoever else in life, find the help you need and get past the past. Resentment is the worst, and everyone deserves compassion, especially to ourselves. I'm begging any of you who continue to make your life hard by hanging onto past mistakes or guilt, GET HELP. Whether it's by finding a way to talk about it with someone who allows the safe space to do so, or professionally through therapy. You can't truly be happy when you still have chains attached and storms continue to blow through. And for some people if they ever read this one day, I have found forgiveness and compassion in you and I see you still struggling, and it kills me to not be able to get that through to you right now. I continually pray for your peace of mind, heart and happiness.

  • Stop sweating the small stuff in life. Will whatever you are hyperfocusing on matter tomorrow, next week or even next year? If not, let it go. As Jesus said, "Each day has enough of its own troubles." There are so many things we cannot control every second of every day, so why are we continuing to hyperfocus and trying to control every little thing to make it even harder for ourselves? Stop sweating the trivial things. Yes, there are little things or habits I believe a person should try to do in order to keep themselves on track and content, but also these are no reasons to start hyper focusing on. You won't be happy hyper focusing on anything because that action is only plain miserable! But I'm speaking of how others speak/act, things that happen at work that aren't a result of our own ethics, unforeseen events, etc. Everyone is trying to do their best in this life and again, as Christians, do what God asks - that is all anyone can expect right? So, stop sweating the small stuff and leave it and watch your demeanor find more serenity.

That's it for today, friends. I truly hope you all have a fantastic day - the weekend is almost here! Keep holding your head up and remember if it's just above water, that's OK but don't be afraid to reach out for help. You are important too!💛

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Lindsey Bowman
Lindsey Bowman
Mar 04, 2022

Mar 05, 2022
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Thank you! 🤗

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