Are you good at caring for plants? Are you good at caring for yourself? If both answers are no, it's easy (and kind of fun) to think about how you should care for a plant and then start doing the same for you. Let me show you how:
Plants apparently like soothing noises.
Talk to yourself positively. Put on some music that soothes your soul, or have an encouraging conversation with a friend who always helps you feel safe, comforted and supported.
Plants love a good drink of rain/water.
Hydrate everyday, all day. Our bodies are made up of at least 80% of water. Think you're tired, stressed, or hungry? You're probably first dehydrated and shriveled up inside. Stay on top of this, your brain will definitely thank you and so your heart will love you.
Plants love space, to grow.
Tidy up your home, get rid of clutter routinely. And if this isn't an option per your circumstances, then try to get outside each day. Find a time and place that makes you feel your best. Myself, I love super early mornings down by the river. When I take a walk, it helps me "declutter" my mind and tends to help bring clarity to thoughts and ideas I've been currently struggling in. Most of my writings come to me during these walks - fun fact! And if you feel walking is not what does this, then insert whichever activity does. Everyone's different, you get my drift 🙂
Some plants love the sun - Vitamin D Humans need vitamin D to stave off depression and disease. This also helps aid in breaking down essential nutrients we need to be healthy and grow. Yeah, just like plants! Ironic, huh.
Plants also eat! There are mixes you can give them that gives them added nutrients to stay strong and grow.
Same with us: are you being mindful when you eat? Eating whole foods each day, not having your face buried in a phone or at the tv while you stuff your face. Or are you just grab n' go fast foods, only to crash later and start over again tomorrow? How you eat today, affects you 7 days later. Remember that, especially if you are a woman. Many women can't get down why they feel so bad during that time of the month. First if all, track and trend them. Second, start weaning off caffeine and chocolate the week before - these will make all of the effects worse, not the week of. Then, make sure you are getting added nutrients that week prior, exercise, well rested and lots of water to process it all and keep it moving. Trust me, it works. If you need extra guidance and details, feel free to message me!
There are types of plants that prefer or require a trim every now and then in order to expend new energy into growing out.
When was the last time you refreshed yourself and got new clothes or a haircut? I know I love a fresh cut and when you feel that type of energy, you feel like you're ready to go!
Those are just a few comparisons that I've personally learned while caring for my own plants, then carrying over to learning to put myself first. My mom gave me a huge Boston Fern towards the end of last summer. I mean, huge. She told me closer to winter it will most likely go into a dormant stage meaning, it will die down a bit, but come back in spring time. Well, as you would know it, just before that happened, Matilda (that's what I named her) got infested with gnats. Apparently the soil we bought had the larvae already and when you water (sometimes this only happens with overwater), they feed, grow and climb to the surface to fly around the plant and your home. Yes, utterly frustrating and annoying. These gnats will bother other plants of their liking too if you don't kill them. After trying various methods, I finally got rid of all gnats, but I had to repot Matilda about 3 times. I also had to give her a "haircut" because she did go dormant while also dying off from me trying to dry out the soil so the gnats couldn't live. Therefore, she was very sparse and I was very depressed in thinking I am actually as terrible as I figured I was at keeping any plant alive. However, I kept Matilda around and nurtured her as best as I could. Watered, misted the leaves, trimmed the crispy old leaves off, and rotated sides to the sun. She sure taught me patience, gentleness, determination and love. So, if we can develop and show that to a plant, we surely can do the same for another human, right? Now, if you feel you can do it for another human - why can't you do it for yourself? Do you want to know how Matilda turned out? Did I do a good job? Check it out...
I've never been one who's cared for having plants. But then, I realized how much nature truly grounds me. As my life gets busy and I can't get outside with nature for hours, or go see the amazing nature I want at any time, I decided I need to try my hand at plant caring. This way, I feel like throughout the year I see something green, I get fresh oxygen brought into my home, and it still relaxes me. On the flip side, I realized if I started neglecting to prune or water my plants appropriately, it meant I was losing discipline or care in it. Therefore, I had to check myself and see "what's up" with life in general. Is stress making me impatient, upset, rushed, pushy.... So, I would go "back to basics" and find a moment to sit down with my plants and prune them to some music and just "zone out" with them. It felt nice and I felt refreshed after. I'm sure they did too. Now, if you are a parent and think all of this is ridiculous to put energy towards a plant - well, are you doing these things towards your children? They are just like precious plants, but even more important! The way we care for others and other things, proves how we genuinely are inside. But, why do we keep pushing ourselves to be last in line, maybe even to never truly take care of ourselves until we are sick or some other catastrophic event occurs? That is something each of us needs to dig deep and figure out. Then, start making plan to crawl back up and put ourselves first in self-care. Again, it is not selfish and you can't take care of everything or everyone else if you don't. Or better yet, how can your motives be purely true or genuine if you haven't been giving yourself grace or compassion first?
Stop trying to save the world, without saving yourself first. Put the air mask or life vest on yourself first.... then, let's go save the rest, together💛