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Note to Self


The thing is, people don't have to understand some of the things that you do. Or the reasons why you do them.

But you need to remember every single day why are you getting out of bed?

Why do you want to do the things you are trying to do?

Because the fact is if you don't want to do them, then what is the point?

If you don't see how you are affecting the world around you. If you don't see the way that you are impacting other people with your purpose, then what is the point?

So with that, other people who aren't supporting you, or other people who talk behind your back or other people who, Want to say whatever they want, or are going to say to show and to prove that they can't do what you can do and they won't do what you are going to do.

And they most certainly are not going to support whatever you are trying to do.


Find your purpose. Every day.

And remind yourself: Who are you doing this for?

Why are you doing it?

And never stopped believing it. Never stop feeling it. And never stop reminding yourself all throughout that day. Every day.

Nothing else matters.


YOUR PURPOSE, matters.

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