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"No" Isn't a Curse Word


Have you ever wanted to say "no," but you didn't want to expend the energy as to why you were saying it? 🙋🏻‍♀️ Spoiler alert: you don't have to explain yourself! Today's society is driven primarily by emotion, which branches acceptance and entitlement. So when someone extends an offer or invitation and you say, "no" or "no thanks," this can result in a negative feeling because people are taught that no IS negative. That you're essentially rejecting them, as a person. It's very silly, but it's very real thinking. My mother does this often in response: "Why not?" Don't let people's emotions throw you off and feel pressured into doing things you really don't want to do. Because at the end of the day, the way they feel you're "rejecting" them. They in turn, feel entitled to know why you won't, and can try to make you feel you will be rejected if you don't explain yourself. The best way off of this dog track, is to provide a neutral response such as: "Thanks for thinking of me, but I cannot come this time." "I'm not really into that, but I appreciate you including me." Or more serious things: "Thank you for the offer, but I am unavailable (or cannot do that (now)." "No, I'm really not comfortable with doing that." In most of these responses, you acknowledge the person, but decline (or reject) the offer/invitation. Thus, feelings stay where they should. If the person is persistent for explanation, you have the power to take your leave or not respond if it's a text or phone call. If they want to be part of your life, they will learn to respect your boundaries, don't be scared to do this. *You need to have and then respect your own boundaries first and foremost* Remember, saying no isn't a curse word and doesn't make you a bad human. Doing things that don't serve you and make you bitter and unhappy, will. Stand firm to yourself and your beliefs. Time is short, use it wisely and with people and on things that truly matter💛






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