I want to write a "letter" to you, because I feel so much when I hear about the struggles of our youth today. And as adults, we should be better. I cannot speak for all adults, so this is merely my piece to you. By "you," I don't just mean kids who are literally young, but anyone older who feels like they need to speak to the kid in themselves.
You know what I'm talking about...
Here are some things I want to let you know:
Making friends is hard for anyone, not just you. Stick to who you really are and what you really like, and the right people will find you. I promise. There is nothing wrong with you, so stop telling yourself this. Start looking for something you did nice or good today and then, tell someone else too :)
If you think you're annoying, you're not. Same thing as making friends…. Be yourself. Like what you do and talk about them. But also, include others in your conversations just like you would when you play something. It’s not always fun to play by yourself, right? Sometimes it’s not always fun talking to yourself either! And know this: if you feel other kids don’t like you, don’t pay attention to that because it’s either you just in your head thinking you’re annoying again or, they’re just trying to be themselves and find their own way to not be annoying too. Don’t stop talking or hold yourself back. God made only 1 of each of us. The world needs you. You’re OK. Just keep doing your thing, kid.
It’s OK to cry and have feelings. More importantly, it’s OK to show your feelings. In fact, I recommend it. Not for everyone else to know, but for you to get it out in process and then, move on. If it helps, find someone you really trust and feel safe with, and let it out with them. Don't be like us older ones who felt like we had to bottle them up and keep them moving. That's why a lot of people today are angry and very lost.
It's OK to be scared and anxious about conquering things, big or small. Adults get this way too. We all get scared and anxious about a lot of things. So remember, you are definitely not alone in this! And again, it’s OK to cry because you are scared and anxious. With all that said, do not sell yourself short (even if you really aren’t very tall : ) because the fact that you are trying to get through it and question things, shows how strong you are. Sometimes we just need a little push or pull from a friend and loved one. Or some ice cream.
So "little friend," you deserve greatness, you just have to believe it and then live it. I know you will try to make everyone else around you happy, but first and foremost remember this: If you don’t take care of YOU first, you cannot give off your light and happiness to others if there is nothing left of yourself to give. And how will it be genuine if you have nothing positive left to feel?
You can be happy yourself and then bring happiness to others, just by staying true to yourself. The road will sometimes get dark, but it's OK because the right thing (or one) will show up and remind you of who you are again. Just never give up on yourself. You have a purpose, and the world is not better off without it. If you don't believe a piece or even any of that, come find me and I bet I can change your mind.
Because I live to see you smile and shine💛
Aunt Erin x