You can't blame anyone but yourself - The choice is always yours.
So, what are you running from?
Jonah was advised by God to go to the city of Nineveh to declare a message of judgment, right?
But what happened?
Jonah got scared because this was a city of more than 120,000 people making it probably one of the largest cities in the world in its time.
But not only that, this city was recognized as a violent “city of bloodshed.” And yet, he was assigned to go there to tell the Ninevites they had just 40 days to repent all of their badness.
Initially instead of doing what he was told, Jonah ran in the opposite direction and ended up being thrown off a fishing boat, landing in the belly of a giant whale for 3 days.
How he survived in there is a miracle in itself, but it gave him enough time to meditate on what he’s done and what to do next, should he live to see sunlight again.
And that is exactly what happened – he was vomited out and got another chance. Another chance to live, another chance to fulfill his assignment from God.
So where am I going with this?
While maybe some of us aren’t necessarily proclaiming judgment messages every day, is there something that we are “running from” when that alarm clock wakes us up?
Most people would probably say they stay in bed to catch up on sleep or because they feel comfortable there and they didn’t want to move.
I get it.
But what if feeling those things are indicative of more than that?
What are you denying yourself?
Because think about it: God didn’t create us to just lay around in bed. He created us to enjoy life.
And sure, lying in bed can be enjoyable – but let’s be serious.
What is your first thought when that alarm clock goes off?
Is it really, “that sleep was amazing, I would love to just lay here?” I bet for most of you it isn’t.
I bet for most of you, you’re not very happy that it went off and you're most likely not having the greatest thoughts entering your brain.
Maybe some of you are not having the greatest words come out of your mouth either… I ain’t here to judge. Just calling it like it is, we are human.
So, what would that be then?
What is holding you back or dragging you down in life right now?
What is your fear within that?
Everything in our lives is connected and aligns when it is good. And if you don’t want to believe that, then I bet you are very much unhappy.
Did me telling you you’re unhappy just “trigger you?”
Then you’re definitely not happy….
Jonah was forced to figure out what his fears were, learn mercy from God, and then continue going through with assignment.
When he completed it, Jonah got to see the results which were that the people repented, and he got to return to his homeland with God’s blessings.
As a personal experience: I had a few things that I needed to take care of weighing me down the past few weeks. Even though I had faith and trust in God, instead of just getting to the root of the matter, I kept holding myself back.
It wasn’t necessarily out of fear, but more of massive distractions and continuing to let others chirp in my head, causing me to procrastinate, even through God’s spirit.
This compounding effect made me lose grip on my visions and drop the pillars that were most important to me.
Sure, I was doing the priority thing in my life – spiritual works, but our lives still have more going on than just that.
If I had been more accepting (and compassionate) with myself about what was truly happening, I should've asked for guidance and just took care of what I needed to do.
Just like Jonah.
If he had accepted that he had fears, asked God for more guidance, peace of mind, whatever he needed, and then just did his assignment - he could've saved himself so much time and energy that he expended being anxious, angry, and even disappointed.
But he's imperfect and human. And maybe he wouldn't have learned more about God and of himself. There will always be another lesson for us, right?
Since I allowed myself to be held back and didn't ask for the guidance or just do the darn things to begin with, everything felt ridiculously heavier and harder than it should've been.
And then I invalidated myself.
The silliest thing is, when you are done with what is needed, you always think, "what was the big deal?" right?
Because again, everything in our life is connected and should align throughout each facet of it. The ebb and flow (although I kind of hate that term) of it all.
However, we can't simply stay in our heads and only rely on ourselves.
So, if you are not looking forward to getting out of bed every morning, where’s the disconnect? What’s misaligning?
What is your subconsciousness trying to “run” or “hide” from facing?
And again, if you don’t like thinking about it, then ask yourself this:
How much longer do I want to feel this way about my life….
Because this IS your choice – continue denying yourself to face it and let it grow into bigger problems or decide now to change and strive for that happiness/contentment God truly wants for you.
It is always possible.
But the choice is always yours.
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