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What's your RPE - Rate of Perceived Exertion? Yes, it's a term used in fitness, but very much aligns well into life when you skillfully use fitness to navigate your overall goals. But real talk: we can't judge anyone else's best effort, or exertion. We all perceive things differently. My RPE 9 could be your 8 or vice versa. So with that, at what rate is your life going? If you are struggling, the rate shouldn't stop, but you can always "lighten the load" to match the exertion. Yes, you might feel less productive, but it still seems difficult. As long as you did your max best effort in those fewer things for the day, you hit the target. And that's all that matters - you did YOUR best. Then, try again tomorrow or next time. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself to do everything, to always appear to be "put together," have your life planned out, to be chilling and cruising through life. Stop hiding when things get tough, but seek clarity by speaking up and out. My real talk: 2021 has been the year of golden lessons learned and the true revealing of Erin. My obstacles lately have felt like carrying boulders, but the wins I've had are like scaling mountains. All of the things I just said are things I've realized about myself and things others have perceived of me. But most importantly, I've perceived of myself and projected them out. I'm tired of that. So, I've changed. A lot. I know I can always do better, but I will always try my best and leave the rest. That's all I can ask of myself. Stop killing yourself by overdoing things that are most likely distractions, and focus on priorities or the "main lift" of the day. Then, you can add the other accessory tasks whenever you can or see fit. You know how people brag or complain they are so sore the day after a hard workout? Well, it doesn't have to always be that way and we shouldn't scale progress on soreness. Same thing in life - you don't always have to suffer or be struggling to get through a week. You just need to figure out the RPE for the overall week, pick what's main priority and then adjust everything as needed throughout the days. You can still get it all done within the week and be happy (content at least). It's not all or nothing in a day. Perfectionism is the lowest of a standards. Stop it and do it a better way. You got this!

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